Reference lists of qualities, feelings, and values

From my book (written as Kraig Brockschmidt) Finding Focus: How to Clarify Your True Priorities and Live with Purposeful Simplicity. The qualities, feelings, and values are organized into aspects of Love, Wisdom, Joy, Energy/Power, and Peace/Calmness.

Aspects of Love

  • acceptance

  • affability

  • affection

  • altruism

  • appreciation

  • attentiveness

  • benevolence

  • caring

  • charity

  • charmfulness

  • clemency

  • closeness

  • commitment

  • companionship

  • compassion

  • connectedness

  • consideratedness

  • consideration

  • conviviality

  • cooperation

  • cordiality

  • decency

  • dedication

  • devotion

  • empathy

  • expansiveness

  • faith

  • faithfulness

  • fellowship

  • fidelity

  • forgiveness

  • friendship

  • generosity

  • geniality

  • gentleness

  • goodwill

  • gracefulness

  • gratitude

  • harmony

  • helpfulness

  • honesty

  • honor

  • hospitality

  • intimacy

  • kindheartedness

  • kindliness

  • kindness

  • loyalty

  • magnetism

  • mercifulness

  • munificence

  • nurturing

  • open-heartedness

  • open-mindedness

  • openness

  • philanthropy

  • politeness

  • recognition

  • respect

  • reverence

  • selflessness

  • sensitivity

  • servicefulness

  • sincerity

  • solidarity

  • supportiveness

  • sweetness

  • sympathy

  • teamwork

  • tenderness

  • thoughtfulness

  • tolerance

  • trust

  • trustworthiness

  • understanding

  • unity

  • veneration

  • warmth

Aspects of Wisdom

  • ability to question

  • accuracy

  • acuity

  • acumen

  • alertness

  • astuteness

  • attentiveness

  • attunement

  • authenticity

  • awareness

  • brilliance

  • carefulness

  • clarity

  • clearness

  • cleverness

  • concentration

  • conscience

  • consciousness

  • consideration

  • correctness

  • curiosity

  • deliberation

  • dependability

  • directness

  • discernment

  • discrimination

  • exactness

  • expansiveness

  • freedom

  • genuineness

  • high aspiration

  • honesty

  • honor

  • humbleness

  • independence

  • insightfulness

  • integrity

  • intelligence

  • judiciousness

  • knowledge

  • liberty

  • lucidity

  • meticulousness

  • mindfulness

  • openness

  • perceptiveness

  • perfection

  • precision

  • receptiveness

  • receptivity

  • responsiveness

  • sagacity

  • sensibility

  • sharpness

  • shrewdness

  • simplicity

  • sincerity

  • sovereignty

  • thoroughness

  • transformation

  • truth

  • truthfulness

  • unboundedness

  • understanding

  • veracity

Aspects of Joy

  • admiration

  • amazement

  • artistry

  • attractiveness

  • awe

  • beauty

  • bliss

  • brightness

  • cheerfulness

  • confidence

  • contentment

  • creativity

  • delight

  • discovery

  • elation

  • enchantment

  • enjoyment

  • enthrallment

  • exaltation

  • exhilaration

  • exploration

  • exquisiteness

  • freedom

  • freshness

  • fulfillment

  • fun

  • gladness

  • gratification

  • happiness

  • harmony

  • hope

  • hopefulness

  • humor

  • imagination

  • individuality

  • ingenuity

  • inspiration

  • inventiveness

  • joviality

  • joyousness

  • jubilation

  • lightness

  • loveliness

  • magnificence

  • novelty

  • optimism

  • originality

  • playfulness

  • pleasure

  • resourcefulness

  • satisfaction

  • specialness

  • splendor

  • unboundedness

  • uniqueness

  • wittiness

  • wonder

Aspects of Energy or Power

  • accountability

  • achievement

  • adaptability

  • adventuresomeness

  • assertiveness

  • boldness

  • bravery

  • commitment

  • concentration

  • confidence

  • constancy

  • conviction

  • courage

  • dedication

  • dependability

  • depth

  • determination

  • devotion

  • dignity

  • discipline

  • effectiveness

  • efficiency

  • empowerment

  • endurance

  • enthusiasm

  • excellence

  • expediency

  • exuberance

  • faithfulness

  • fearlessness

  • fervor

  • fidelity

  • flexibility

  • focus

  • fortitude

  • heroism

  • individuality

  • liveliness

  • mastery

  • morality

  • nobility

  • passion

  • perseverance

  • persistence

  • practicality

  • purpose

  • radiance

  • reliability

  • resilience

  • resoluteness

  • responsibility

  • self-assurance

  • self-control

  • self-mastery

  • self-offering

  • sensibility

  • stamina

  • steadfastness

  • strength

  • success

  • tenacity

  • trustworthiness

  • uprightness

  • usefulness

  • versatility

  • vibrancy

  • vigor

  • virtue

  • vitality

  • willingness

  • willpower

  • worthiness

  • youthfulness

  • zeal

Aspects of Peace and Calmness

  • acceptance

  • balance

  • centeredness

  • cleanliness

  • comfort

  • completeness

  • composure

  • confidence

  • connectedness

  • contentment

  • coolness

  • cooperation

  • equability

  • equanimity

  • even-mindedness

  • expansiveness

  • faith

  • fulfillment

  • goodness

  • grace

  • groundedness

  • harmony

  • modesty

  • non-attachment

  • non-violence

  • orderliness

  • patience

  • placidity

  • poise

  • purity

  • quietude

  • relaxation

  • reliability

  • satisfaction

  • security

  • self-assurance

  • self-reliance

  • serenity

  • silence

  • stillness

  • tranquility

  • trust

  • unification

  • unity

  • universality

  • well-being

  • wholeness

  • wholesomeness