Welcome, dear friends, to Deus in Fabula (God in the story), a reader-supported newsletter in which I share my exploratory quest for spiritual, devotional, and mystical realism in fiction.

What to expect (every one or two weeks at present):

  • Thoughts and essays on what this “realism” means and what it looks like, with an eye toward inspiring other artists to consider it in their own work.

  • Responses to other author's works (including fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, along with music and art) where I find expressions of it.

  • Productions of my own fiction and poetry (and a little music) in which I strive to express this realism, including occasional rewrites of excerpts from other books where I would have liked to see it.

  • Articles on the craft of fiction in general, including recommendations of resources that I've found helpful (books, courses, podcasts, etc.)

I'll also occasionally share reflections on travel, conferences, pilgrimage, interesting people I've met, and other areas that are relevant to this newsletter.

As a reader-supported newsletter, some content of Deus in Fabula is available only to paid subscribers (until some months later, when I generally remove paywalls). The free and paid tiers are explained in the post, Mystical Realism: Joining the conversation.

But know this: when you join as a free subscriber, the welcome message contains links for tiered discounts for paid subscriptions, including a 100% discount. Be sure to check out those options. And if you miss that message, see discounts.

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Subscribe to Deus in Fabula (God in the Story)

A quest for spiritual, devotional, and mystical realism in fiction.


Kiran Blackwell (pen name for Kraig Brockschmidt) is a long-time writer of non-fiction. He is bringing the mystical realism (awareness of God's presence) expressed in his memoir, Mystic Microsoft, to fiction and poetry.