Discounts for paid subscriptions

In the post, Mystical realism: Joining the conversation, I explain why I have paid subscription tiers rather than just making everything free. Put succinctly, restricting certain content to paid subscribers encourages more serious participation and keeps out trolls. Many writers on Substack have observed that this approach enables high-quality conversation.

That said, I don't want to exclude anyone for monetary reasons. Therefore, you’re welcome to use any of the following discounts. As a thank-you for being an early subscriber, these discounts are currently perpetual (permanent), so lock them in while you can as I’ll eventually change them to be for one year only.

If you have trouble with any of these, let me know via email kiranblackwell (at), and I’ll adjust from my end. And if you’re just entirely allergic to using a credit card even for the 100% discount, let me know because I can add you as a complimentary subscriber on my end.